Decision making and decision taking processes of managing buildings, infrastructure and equipment, based on reliable, current and easily accessible data...
Reporting and cost control. It allows one to check compliance with legal and security requirements by individual cost centres, buildings, types of rooms, equipment, and instruments...
Preventive and corrective maintenance of technical infrastructure, equipment and instruments, as well as procurement, cleaning services and repairs...
Where and how are utilized:
⦁ Real properties, buildings and rooms?
⦁ Equipment, instruments (e.g. medical), and ICT hardware?
How high is their running cost?
Is quality of cleaning improving?
How to optimise winter services for the parking lots?
How to optimize use of space and equipment?
How much space is used by the individual cost centres?
How much space is rented, to whom and on what terms?
When do we need to replace piece of infrastructure or equipment?
How much will it cost?
When and what maintenance service was done?
How often did a piece of equipment need a repair?
How much have we spent for maintenance?
Have all legal requirements related to buildings and equipment been fulfilled?
Are buildings and equipment safe for the visitors, patients, employees?
Accumulated data allows one to easer take better decisions